Join Us for an Animal Adventure!
This PDF download features an easy-to-assemble animal craft for every letter of the alphabet. Each craft also includes helpful teaching tips that are designed to support important pre-reading skills. But be careful ... our first craft has a very toothy grin!

Turn Your Crafts into an ABC Animal Book!
If you'd like a great way to store the craft pages as your child completes them, turn them into a fun and colorful ABC Animal Book. The PDF contains full instructions and a colorful cover.
Try Our Printed Activity Book!
Our ABC Crafts for Uppercase Letters activity book makes craft-time even easier! Each craft can be easily completed using only scissors and glue. Along with each craft, you’ll find a short poem and accompanying activity ideas to reinforce important pre-reading skills. It’s 120 pages of full-color alphabet fun and the perfect way to encourage your student’s enthusiasm for learning to read!